Self-Mastery for People who Lead
Self-Mastery: being true to your Self; free to use your mind rather than your mind using you.
About us
If you want to inspire (and you do), there is one person you have to lead.
The teaching here focuses on how you lead yourself to lead your team or organisation.
To lead with awareness so that your limiting assumptions aren't obstructing your team or your stakeholders from what is possible.
Your team will be: how you are being.
What we do
We teach through interactive in-house workshops, webinars, and coaching programmes which have been endorsed by the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment for Continuing Professional Development.
We also speak at conferences and study-days on aspects of self-mastery for people who lead.
These seminars, workshops, and courses develop you and your team members' ability to manage yourselves and your relationships with others.
The focus of this teaching is your ability to communicate to establish trust and rapport, to collaborate, and to innovate and create within your teams.

Leadership is a relationship. Unless you manage it, your brain will run your relationships automatically but is not designed to. You have to do that if you want particular results.
Our teaching focuses on how, in any situation, you can manage what your brain is doing to lead effectively."
What our clients say...
The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment
Simon Culhane.
Chartered FCSI, former CEO
"I have heard nothing but excellent feedback from the communication course you kindly ran for us on Friday. I know that many of the attendees needed help, and they really appreciated your confidence building measures. You clearly were effective because they have returned, buzzing and ready to try it for real. That's a great result."
Chloë Garland.
"My day with Christopher allowed me to experience some profound and transformational shifts in the way I see the world. Through the experience of being deeply listened to and challenged where necessary, I gained a deep clarity around both my purpose in life and my relationships. Christopher enabled me to look at my situation in a much wiser, more open-minded way that left me feeling lighter, more confident and empowered."
Schroder US Wealth Management
Martin Heale.
"Christopher's business relationship programmes are first class for all CRMs wishing to gain greater empathy and insight into relationship building with clients and networks alike. They give you much to reflect on."